NAME: Zolly
RACE: elf GENDER: male PURE/ANIMAL BLOODED (IF ANIMAL, SPECIFY WHICH): pure blooded SOUL NAME: n/a KNOWN BY: n/a LIFE/LOVEMATE (SPECIFY WHICH IF APPLICABLE): no one serious CUB(S): none AGE: 45 HEIGHT: 4'9" HAIR: raven black, shoulder length, very shaggy EYES: golden brown, very slanted, medium wide SKIN TONE: creamy BODY TYPE: very muscled through chest and arms MARKS/SCARS/OUTSTANDING FEATURES: missing the top of his right ear, vertical scar from the middle of his right hand to the elbow, scar cutting across his belly, deep raspy voice |
CLOTHING: grey short sleeved tunic open to navel, black belt, grey pants tucked into black calf high boots, black wristguards, black cape he doesn't wear anymore due to the heat, but it does use it to ward off the rain
JEWELRY: doesn't see the use of it
WEAPONS: curved dagger named Blackfang, bow
ABILITIES: sending, animal bonding, plantshaper
SKILLS: hunting, fighting, stealing, gambling, fast talker, able liar
FAMILY: Coroll (mother), Blackstorm (father) both alive at Hometree, Darkheart (brother) banished - fate unknown
ORIGIN: Hometree Holt - Robber Elves
PERSONAL HISTORY AND INFORMATION: Zolly is very aggressive. He's used to a rough life with few luxuries. His tribe, the Robber Elves, would take anything they needed, even from neighboring tribes, hence their name. His chief was cruel and his parents little better. His brother challenged the chief, lost, and was banished. The other warriors all but ostracized Zolly because of it. He never received his warrior name (a descriptive name) despite the fact that he has battle scars and a powerful talent. It has never really bothered him. Zolly suits him well enough. Zolly has had a loveless life. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore so he left. He knew he wouldn't be welcomed in any of the neighboring tribes, so he kept on walking. Zolly decided to stay with the HGI elves. He wants to learn love and friendship. Zolly is loyal but a bit mischievous. He has no conception of property. He used to take what he wanted but has tried to stop that since he got his life threatened and he took that very seriously. Zolly tries hard and if he sees a problem, he tries to correct it. Zolly is very skilled at plantshaping traps. That was his specialty at Hometree. He is slightly bothered by the fact HGI has no roots because his traps aren't any good on the move. Has a very deep, raspy voice.
HUMANS: doesn't trust them
TROLLS: same
PRESERVERS: never saw one
OTHER ELVES: not too sure of them but wants to trust them
BOND BEAST: stallion NAME: Stormheart GENDER: male COLOR: roan