Name:  Harvestgold  (aka Harvesttoad)

RACE:            elf…most likely

GENDER:     male (?)


SOUL NAME:            Shau

KNOWN BY:    himself (or so he says), Nightshade (deceased)

 always trying

CUB(S):   Dawn/Dawnblade (daughter, denied it, deceased)

AGE:              50

HEIGHT:     4’5”

HAIR:                       blonde, just slightly past shoulders, slightly wavy with winged bangs

EYES:                        light blue, level

SKIN TONE:                       medium tan

BODY TYPE:            thin  

MARKS\SCARS\OUTSTANDING FEATURES:                        none

CLOTHING:                       red peasant shirt tucked into dark blue pants, violet vest with intricate gold

embroidery and pieces of gold thread straps, violet boots

JEWELRY:  plain gold ring, gold belt buckle, gold pieces from straps on vest

WEAPONS: dagger at waist, sling, his voice

SPECIAL POSSESSIONS:            himself

ABILITIES:            very weak sending and magic feeling

SKILLS:       riding horses, some tanning, “sniffing out” and persecuting animal blooded elves,

annoying others, placing great importance/obsessing on self, making even the most

pacifistic elf want to kill him, bragging

FAMILY:            Powderpuff (mother), Bluebell (father) both back at holt of origin,

Dawn/Dawnblade (daughter)

ORIGIN:      horse riding holt very south of HGI

PERSONAL HISTORY AND INFORMATION:              Can you say worthless, spineless wonder scum,

boys and girls? Harvestgold enjoys bragging about himself (obvious favorite subject), spontaneously invented

skills which he obviously doesn’t have, and his old holt (if it still exists) among other things. Was separated

from his old holt during a “late night “ scouting mission. Was rescued by Amberfox after an accident left

him hanging from a cliff.

Harvestgold has a rather high pitched voice and recites some really wretched poetry. He is very conceited

 and is angered when the females laugh at his attempts at seduction, for he feels they should notice his

 “intense beauty and intelligence.” Always attempting to convince females to join with him, he is often

 asking everyone, “Where’re the girls?” This phrase is very common. It seems to be the most prominent

 in his limited vocabulary. Despises and is repulsed by animal blood and will not hesitate to let elves

of this heritage know this. Is irresponsible and reckless. Recognized Nightshade, but chose not to

lifemate with her, for it would only interfere with his “macho bachelor lifestyle.” Disliked his daughter

foe being brutish and not feminine enough. Would acknowledge her when she had done something

wrong in his opinion and would not hesitate to verbally abuse her. Was not upset by her death, he

felt she brought it on for not being more delicate and domestic. Only slightly upset at the death of

Nightshade, seeing as how she was the only one who would mate with him (not by choice).

COLORS\SYMBOLS:     gold\horse head


            HUMANS:            generally friendly towards them

            TROLLS:            not too familiar with them but is afraid of them from what he knows

            PRESERVERS:     absolutely LOVES them!

            OTHER ELVES:         tries to get along with most, especially tries so with the females.

However, he does hate and is thoroughly disgusted by animal

blooded elves, especially wolf bloods


NAME:          Buck

GENDER:     female

COLOR:        tan